The Sloth’s Perilous Journey to Love

“How does a sloth even cross the road? Very, very slowly, of course. But for love, it will somehow manage.”

1 min readJan 6, 2023
Photo by Sophia Müller on Unsplash

Love will find a way, they say
Like a sloth crawling to its mate
No distance too far, no time too late
For love will find a way, it’s fate

Like a moth drawn to a porch light
Love will fly straight into danger
Ignoring all logic, all reason, all might
For love will find a way, it’s a stranger

Like a sheep that wanders off the path
Love will take the road less traveled
Despite the dangers, the thorns, the math
For love will find a way, it’s unraveled

So let us embrace the absurdity
For as long as there is love, there is laughter
A chance to giggle, a chance to see
That love will find a way, it’s a happy chapter




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